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HPV Vaccine: Facts & Answers

Teen girl getting her HPV vaccine at doctor's office while accompanied by her mother

A vaccine that can prevent cancer sounds too good to be true. But the HPV vaccine does exactly that. The human papillomavirus (HPV) is responsible for 6 different types of cancer.

But despite there being a vaccine, every year in the United States, nearly 40,000 people will be diagnosed with a type of HPV-caused cancer.

Even though this vaccine is often talked about as a prevention for cervical cancer, men also get HPV-caused cancers. That’s why boys and girls are both offered the vaccine.

Misinformation Is Deadly

Despite the availability of a cancer-preventing vaccine, there’s been a lot of misinformation online. That’s discouraged some parents from getting this vaccine for their children.

Why Preteens?

While you can still get vaccinated up until the age of 45, doing it as a preteen means:

  • It’s more effective.
  • You need fewer shots.
  • You’re less likely to already have had an infection.

For most children, your pediatrician will recommend vaccination between 11-12. If your child has a yeast allergy or has ever had a vaccine reaction, your doctor can help your family understand your options for HPV prevention.

Frequently Asked Questions: HPV Vaccine

Some of the most commonly asked questions about vaccination have been addressed in the articles below. Whether you’re wondering if your son needs protection or if you’re able to get the vaccine yourself, we’ve got answers.

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