Healthy Balance

The Emily Couric Clinical Cancer Center: 12 Things You Didn’t Know

You probably know that we named the new Emily Couric Clinical Cancer Center, which opened in April, after the late state senator Emily Couric. Maybe you saw a story about the Couric Center on the news or have seen the photos on our Facebook page. Maybe you know someone who goes there for treatment.

But we’re excited about this new building for a number of reasons. Our building design team spoke with dozens of patients to ensure that we offer not just the latest technology but also a calm, welcoming environment.

So here are 12 things about Couric Center that you probably haven’t heard. Why 12? The building is at 1240 Lee Street, and it broke ground on April 12, 2008.

1. The center contains:

2. It’s a green building. We used local suppliers for the bricks and sandstone and recycled 90 percent of the construction waste. We’re seeking Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) silver certification.

3. The building includes a shower and bike rack for employees who bike to work.

4. We have the first TomoHD cancer treatment system in the nation. It delivers a dose of radiation that fits the size and shape of the tumor and avoids nearby healthy tissue. Culpeper Regional Hospital has an identical system that syncs with ours, so once patients receive their treatment plan they can go to either hospital.

5. The TomoHD and other radiation treatment systems are inside specially designed vaults with seven-foot-thick walls. The door to each vault weighs two tons.

6. The infusion center, where patients receive chemotherapy, has private rooms and group treatment spaces so patients can choose their treatment experience.

7. We designed each floor to look like a different region of Virginia:

8. The building has three reflective gardens, including one on the roof, and a meditation and reflection room.

9. The on-site image boutique, Flourish, has a certified prosthetist to assist patients with picking out the right wigs, turbans, mastectomy bras and other items.

10. Certified genetic counselors are available to help patients with a family history of cancer understand their risk.

11. Financial counselors are also available to help patients work with their insurance companies and provide information about financial assistance.

12. The building has clinic space for nurses who coordinate clinical trials, so patients have easy access to investigational treatments.

Did you get a chance to tour the Couric Center at its open house in February? Let us know what you thought!

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