Healthy Balance

Be Social with Us

UVA Health uses social media to listen to our patients.Do you like us?

Since you’re reading this blog, I’m guessing you do, or at least, you’d like to like us. You’re a UVA employee or a patient or the relative of a patient. Or maybe you’re one of the 8 in 10 internet users who looks for health information online.

We want to hear your stories, your questions and what we could be doing better. That’s why we’ve expanded our social media presence in these last few months.

In May, we started a Facebook page. We use it to share stories, videos and photos of our technology and patient care and talk with patients and their friends and families. Also, we have a lot of free screenings, fun fundraisers and support groups, too many to write about on this blog. Check out the page and click the “like” button to get this info in your news feed.

We’ve also been on Twitter for two years, sharing links to news stories and real-time event updates and talking to patients. And our YouTube channel features physician interviews, videos from Remote Area Medical and other events and patient stories.

But you may not use those social media sites. I have friends who equate signing up for a Facebook account with selling their souls, and I also have friends who log in about once every three months. We have some print publications and websites with more in-depth stories to keep you up to date:

Want to connect even more? Visit our online newsroom for a complete list of Health System publications, and view our full list of social media sites.

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