Healthy Balance

Research Roundup: Male Contraceptive & More, April 2016

Male contraceptive

In April, we caught a glimpse of a future with male contraceptives, full-fat butter and printed organs.

Towards a Male Contraceptive

Male contraceptive research has found key enzymes.

The Bite-Size Synopsis: UVA researchers have discovered a key enzyme that can help in developing a non-hormonal approach to creating a male contraceptive.

What This Could Mean For You: Women may live in a future where they don’t have to take hormones to prevent pregnancy. Men may find themselves taking contraception. As one of the researchers said, “We’re on the path toward the male contraceptive drug, and this is a noteworthy benchmark along that path.”

Find out more about this key finding in male contraception research.

Dairy Fat May Help Prevent Type 2 Diabetes & Obesity

The Bite-Size Synopsis: Research shows that people who consume butter and whole-milk have a lower risk of diabetes and gain less weight. Children who have a higher intake of whole milk or 2 percent milk gain less weight over time, too.

What This Could Mean For You: You may have adopted low-fat dairy foods or chosen dairy alternatives to stay healthy. If so, it looks like you may need to reverse your diet – good news for those who crave full-flavor cheese, cream and butter.

See the full story on the latest milk fat research.

Reproductive Health & Women With Disabilities

The Bite-Size Synopsis: University of Virginia nursing professor Jeanne Alhusen received a $454,000 grant from the National Institutes of Health to study access to reproductive health services by women living with physical, sensory or cognitive disabilities.

What This Could Mean For You: Researchers hope to develop guidelines to improve contraception, sex education and sexually transmitted disease treatment for this population, which consists of over 1 million women of childbearing. This group’s inclusion into mainstream society means their well-being, and that of their children, has broad effects.

Read more about this study about women with disabilities.

Organ Printing

The Bite-Size Synopsis: We may have the ability to create organs for transplant using a 3D printer sooner than you think.

What This Could Mean For You: If you or someone you love needs an organ transplant, you can avoid the agonizing years of waiting for an organ to become available to you.

Listen to this interview with Kenneth Brayman, MD, discussing UVA’s work with 3-D organ printing.

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