Meena Kannan, MD, is a neurologist specializing in neuroimmunology, looking more into depth within the nervous and immune system. She examines these two complex systems to further understand certain neurological diseases.
Meet a UVA Neurologist
1. Why did you become a doctor?
I always found the workings of the human body, such as neuroimmunology and neuroinfectious disease very interesting. Especially the nervous system, which is fascinating and challenging. Also, learning how these systems function and malfunction. Then using this skill set to help patients manage their diseases is very rewarding.
2. Why did you choose your specialty?
The nervous system plays a large role in what makes us human – how we think, behave, move and feel. Similarly, disturbances in the nervous system can lead to profound changes in how we interact. Noticing that these interactions with our surrounding environment makes us quite vulnerable. It is a privilege to care for people during their most vulnerable times. Even though we may not be able to cure many neurologic diseases yet, we can still help our patients. There is so much we can do to try to halt disease progression and improve the quality of life of our patients. Our knowledge of disease processes and possible treatments is increasing so rapidly. It is very exciting to be a part of such a dynamic field.
3. What’s your favorite thing about Charlottesville?
I enjoy outdoor activities including hiking and kayaking.
4. Where did you grow up?
I’m from Mobile, Alabama. Fun fact, it’s also the birthplace of Mardi Gras.
5. What’s the most exciting thing/research happening in your field right now?
Overall advances in our knowledge of neurologic diseases and wholesome options that can halt certain diseases like multiple sclerosis.
Having Difficulty with Memory?
Memory loss, lack of concentration, speech problems or vision changes may signal the need to see one of our neurology physicians. These behaviors are diagnosed with neuropsychological testing. If experiencing any of these issues, schedule your test today.
6. Who is your inspiration/hero?
My mother, who faced so many barriers to practicing medicine in this country. But she persevered and has inspired my compassion and conscientiousness in patient care .
7. What’s your favorite thing about working at UVA?
The collegiality in my department and working with neurology residents.
Fun bonus question: What’s your favorite thing to eat in the UVA cafeteria?
I enjoy the superfood salad.