Healthy Balance

Poison Prevention Week: The Number You Need in Your Phone

The word “poisoning” might make you think of “CSI” episodes or old cop movies. But actually, most poisonings are accidental, and they’re more common than you might think. According to the American Association of Poison Control Centers, poison centers receive 10,830 calls every day.

baby with household cleaners
Household cleaners are a common source of poisonings in young children.

UVA’s Blue Ridge Poison Center, which serves a large portion of Virginia, decided to list the 94 calls it got during one 24-hour period. They included:

It’s National Poison Prevention Week.  If nothing else, use this week as a reminder to put the number 1.800.222.1222 by your home phone, on the fridge and in your cell phone. Call that number anytime you suspect exposure to a toxic substance, including:

You’ll get a nurse, doctor or other healthcare professional at your local poison center, who will, for free, evaluate the situation and help you care for the person at home or get them to the hospital.

Poison Centers can give advice to healthcare providers treating patients and provide educational materials for teachers.

Get more information about poison prevention and the Blue Ridge Poison Center.

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