Healthy Balance

Infographic: Sports Injuries & Pain by the Game

It’s all over the news these days: Football players suffering from brain injuries due to years spent getting hurt on the field.

But keeping your kid off the football team isn’t the solution: All sports activities can prove harmful to healthy development without the proper safety equipment and the necessary care. Young baseball pitchers and gymnasts, for instance, can permanently damage their joints and inhibit growth due to repetitive use without enough rest.

So what can you do? From Bobby Chhabra, MD, orthopedic specialist and director of the UVA Hand Center: “My advice for any parent with a child involved in sports is that it’s OK for them to take time off from their sport.”

Compare & Contrast: Sports Injuries by Game

Take a look at how these sports compare in terms of injuries and what you can do to minimize the risk.

Download the printable version of Common Injuries by Sport (PDF).

Infographic text: Play It Safe

Although sports participation provides numerous physical and social benefits, it also has a downside: risk of sports-related injuries.

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