Healthy Balance

Reconstructive Surgery Options for Traumatic Facial Fractures at UVA

John Jared Christophel, MD, discusses facial reconstructive surgery.

When I was younger, I had a buddy that enjoyed riding his bicycle around the neighborhood at night. While I’m sure he cherished the quiet streets and cool breeze, on one unfortunate night, the darkness hid an approaching threat.

On a lonely street, while cruising up to an intersection, a turning car hit him and threw him from the bike. His ragdoll body hit the pavement face first. He lost teeth and suffered fractures around his eye sockets, nasal cavity, the roof of his mouth and his jaw.

In Need of Facial or Reconstructive Surgery?

Contact us at UVA to consult with one of our surgeons.

Thanks to the work of a dedicated team of facial reconstructive surgeons, today there is no visible evidence of his trauma. Although he required several rounds of facial reconstructive surgery, his care team was able to restore his looks and his smile.

At UVA, we offer a full range of medical and cosmetic facial surgery services. To learn more, watch Jared Christophel, MD, discuss reconstructive surgery options at UVA for cases of traumatic facial fracture.

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