Healthy Balance

Get Your Guy to the Doctor: Tips for Tackling Men’s Health Issues Head-On

man talking about health issues

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than half of American men over age 20 have high blood pressure. More than 40% are obese, and almost 15% are in fair or poor health. Yet, many men are not getting the healthcare they need. According to one survey by the Commonwealth Fund, more than half of all men had not had a physical exam in the previous year. In other words: when it comes to managing their health, the men in our lives need to step up their game.

Why Men Don’t Go to the Doctor

Men, obviously, have different health needs than women. “Usually, young, healthy men who don’t have a lot of medical problems and no complaints don’t need to see the doctor except when they’re sick,” says urologist Nicolas Ortiz, MD. “They don’t have routine health screenings like women do.”

Even when there are signs of a health problem, some men still avoid seeking care. The reasons why are unique to the individual. Ortiz says some of the most common explanations include:

No matter what the reason, avoiding or delaying care puts men’s health at risk. “Because men don’t seek care when they should, what may have been a small problem initially turns into a bigger problem that is often more challenging to treat,” says Ortiz. 

Symptoms Men Shouldn’t Ignore

Most men know the signs of health emergencies like a heart attack or stroke and will take them seriously. But there are other symptoms men may dismiss that can actually be a sign of a serious health issue. 


Loud snoring may be a symptom of obstructive sleep apnea. People with sleep apnea stop breathing briefly, which causes a drop in oxygen levels. Without treatment, sleep apnea increases his risk for high blood pressure, abnormal heart rhythm, and more.

Frequent urination

Is he waking up multiple times a night to pee? Frequent urination, especially at night, can be a sign of an enlarged prostate, which in severe cases can lead to reduced kidney function. It may also be a sign of diabetes or even prostate cancer

Erectile dysfunction (ED)

ED may be a symptom of low testosterone, which is common in aging men. But it can also be a sign of something more serious like heart disease or depression.  

Skin changes

Any new or changing spot on the skin may be a sign of skin cancer. Watch for:

The Health Screenings Men Need

Many problematic men’s health issues are more common as they get older. That’s why, after age 50, men should see a doctor regularly for routine screenings – even if they’re in perfect health. These screenings include tests for:

Ignoring Health Problems?

Our men’s health providers treat everything from ED and low testosterone to prostate issues. 

COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy Among Men

More men than women have died from COVID-19. But according to the CDC, men are falling behind when it comes to getting the vaccine. Ortiz says there are some unique factors at play.

“We have to keep in mind the current political climate – the disinformation campaigns – influencing men today,” he says. “Another thing to consider is that some men, particularly underrepresented minorities, don’t trust the healthcare system because of historical injustices or perceived biases.”

For those men who may be contemplating getting vaccinated, education is key. Try sharing these facts on vaccine safety. Find a vaccine appointment nearby.

Tips to Help Men Stay On Top of Their Health

If the man in your life is guilty of the “rub some dirt on it” approach to healthcare, Ortiz advises patience and persistence. “Many men don’t want to bother anyone with their problems,” he says. “Just be supportive and remind them that it’s better to tackle men’s health issues head on before they become more serious. That’s what doctors are here for.”

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