Healthy Balance

Getting to the Heart: Highlights of Recent Heart Disease Research

Heart disease research at UVA Health reveals the roots of many conditions.

When you visit your cardiologist, you’re not thinking about heart disease research. But at UVA Health, our heart care experts engage with the latest discoveries about heart disease all the time. Recent research into coronary artery disease and heart failure promises to push new treatments and approaches even further.

If heart disease runs in your family, you can feel confident knowing that researchers at UVA Health and beyond are finding new ways to prevent and heal the worst heart diseases.

The Genetics of Coronary Artery Disease (CAD)

UVA Health researchers mapped a range of genes contributing to CAD. Their aim: Not just to treat symptoms, but to dig into the root cause of the condition. This discovery could lead to a whole new class of treatments that could prevent heart attacks.

When Small Changes Have Big Impacts

NASA space shuttles collapse from tiny mistakes. And UVA Health researchers learned that keeping a patient on a ventilator longer leads to more successful heart surgeries.

Gout Medicine Turns Heart Failure Victims Into Survivors

When heart failure lands you in the hospital and keeps getting worse, your options might seem limited. A UVA Health study uncovered a new heart failure treatment in common gout medication.

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See the latest research news from UVA Health.

Heart Disease Research & a Lost Chromosome

Most of us know that women beat out men when it comes to longevity. Some of that may have to do with a discovery UVA Health researchers made about the way men age. Apparently, a large number of men lose their male sex chromosome by age 70. This loss contributes to a number of conditions, including ones that lead to deadly heart failure.

Soon, you may find yourself getting a simple test to see if you’ve lost your Y chromosome. If you have, simple treatments exist to make up for it and prevent fatal heart problems.

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