Healthy Balance

UVA Health Leads the Way With Top Heart Care & Blood Pressure Research Awards

A doctor checking a patient during a heart exam for a clinical trial

Stroke care, blood pressure, breathing support – here at UVA Health, we’re constantly striving to find new and better ways to treat complex health conditions. That’s why we’ve recently earned some major awards for our heart research and care.

UVA Health’s Heart Care Named in Becker’s “100 Great Heart Programs”

Becker’s Hospital Review recognized UVA Health’s Heart & Vascular Center care in its 2023 list of top 100 hospitals and health systems with outstanding heart programs. The hospitals on Becker’s list provide exceptional heart care, patient outcomes, advanced technologies, and innovative breakthroughs in cardiology.

When describing the care you can get at UVA Health, Becker’s mentioned:

K. Craig Kent, MD, CEO of UVA Health, and Christopher Kramer, MD, UVA Health’s chief of cardiovascular medicine, say the award spotlights our team’s efforts to provide all patients with the best care possible.

Heart & Lung Support Gets Top Rating

UVA Health earned the Platinum Level Center of Excellence Award from the Extracorporeal Life Support Organization (ELSO). The award recognizes UVA Health’s Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO) program, which began in 1991.

Nicholas Teman, MD, a medical director of UVA Health’s adult ECMO program, said, “This award is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our entire ECMO team. I’m so proud that we can provide this excellent care to our patients.”

ECMO helps people whose hearts and lungs are damaged and can’t provide enough oxygen to the body. Using a special machine, ECMO keeps blood flowing around the body so it can get the oxygen it needs.

Platinum Level centers show excellence in:

UVA Health Stroke Care Gets Major Awards from the American Heart Association

UVA Health’s Prince William Medical Center received the Get With The Guidelines® – Stroke Gold Plus quality achievement award from the American Heart Association (AHA) in July 2023. Consistently recognized since 2015, the medical center remains dedicated to “providing consistent, quality care to patients and the community,” according to Zan Zaidi, MD, UVA Health’s chief medical officer for UVA Health Prince William.

It’s the eighth year in a row that UVA Health Prince William received the award for ensuring stroke patients get the best treatment that follows nationally recognized, research-based guidelines, leading to more lives saved and fewer disabilities. To get Gold Plus status, hospitals must meet several stroke-related quality measures, including reduced time to treatment.

UVA Health Prince William Medical Center also earned the Target: Stroke Honor Roll-Elite Plus designation, recognizing quick treatment times for stroke patients.

Help Shape the Future of Heart Healthcare

Participating in research helps bring new treatments to patients around the world.

UVA Health Researcher Honored for Blood Pressure Discovery

Brant Isakson, PhD, a professor at UVA Health, received the 2024 Robert M. Berne Distinguished Lectureship Award from the American Physiological Society, which is given to emerging leaders in heart research. The research team he works with uncovered a new role for a protein called hemoglobin alpha in regulating blood pressure. Hemoglobin alpha is found in specific areas in your circulation system. It has a role in controlling the dilation of blood vessels.

Isakson’s research also highlights the importance of pannexin-based purinergic signaling, demonstrating its role in:

At UVA Health, Isakson is a professor of molecular physiology and biological physics and is part of the Robert M. Berne Cardiovascular Research Center.

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