Bacterial meningitis can progress rapidly, making early detection and treatment critically important. Here's what you should know.
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Bacterial Meningitis: What You Need to Know to Stay Safe

While vitamin A can't prevent the measles (only vaccination can) it does have some benefits as a treatment. Here's when it can help.

Learn everything from which movie he gives a thumbs up to his biggest fear as a patient.

Find out what his biggest fear is as a patient and the advice he lives by.

In 2025, heart disease is still the leading cause of death in the U.S. But it can be prevented, with the right knowledge and care.

Is caffeine good or bad for your heart? The truth is, it has benefits, but some risks too. Read on for more on caffeine and your heart.

Want to avoid coronary artery disease? Choosing the right foods for a heart healthy diet is best for preventing CAD down the road.