There’s a lot of debate about the benefits of nutritional supplements and whether some do more harm than good. But researchers found one supplement that may help prevent Alzheimer’s disease.
Chiro-inositol, a compound that occurs naturally in foods, protects the brain from the toxins that cause Alzheimer’s, UVA and Northwestern University researchers found. Alzheimer’s-affected brains are resistant to insulin, and they don’t use glucose very well. Researchers believe chiro-inositols help the brain overcome this insulin resistance.
The researchers are recommending further investigation, including a clinical trial in humans and developing more drugs that contain chiro-inositols.
It really is great to hear that more ways to preven Alzheimers are coming forward. If anyone has ever seen anyone suffer from this disease it’s very difficult. Chiro-inositol is not taught in schools and it’s something people frequently eat without knowing, that’s the best part about the compound.