Is your face red all the time? Especially on your nose and cheeks?
UVA dermatologist Barbara Wilson, MD, contributed this post.
As a dermatologist, I see patients every day upset because the most obvious part of their body, their face, is red, sometimes scaly, sometimes with pustules that look like acne. Fortunately, we can treat these conditions.
Causes of Red Face: Rosacea, Rosacea-Like Demodicosis
Many conditions can cause your face to be red, but let’s look at two of the biggest: Rosacea and its great mimicker, rosacea-like demodicosis.
Most rosacea sufferers have very sensitive facial skin and flushing triggered by stimuli such as alcohol (especially red wine), heat, embarrassment, spicy foods and hot drinks. They may have redness and obvious blood vessels on their nose and cheeks and papules and pustules that resemble acne.
Less commonly, rosacea sufferers, particularly men, may develop an overgrowth of the skin on the nose called rhinophyma. Finally, some suffer from eye involvement called ocular rosacea blepharitis, which manifests as redness and a gritty feeling in the eyes.
Rosacea-like Demodicosis
Another less-known condition, rosacea-like demodicosis, is actually caused by a mite: Demodex folliculorum. This tiny mite lives in follicles and usually doesn’t cause rashes, but if you have it in large numbers, its symptoms are sometimes indistinguishable from rosacea with a red face. Besides the eye involvement and papules or pustules, you may have burning, stinging, scaly facial skin with a sandpapery texture.
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We don’t know why some patients face turn red and develop rashes from this mite, but immunosuppression or using strong steroid creams on your face may increase the risk.
We can tell the difference between the two conditions because patients with rosacea-like demodicosis usually don’t respond to rosacea treatments.
Treating Rosacea and Rosacea-like Demodicosis
These conditions can be stubborn, but they usually respond well to appropriate treatment. Rosacea treatments include:
- Topical medications like an antibiotic cream or gel called metronidazole
- Azaleic acid gel
- Oral antibiotics such as doxycycline
Rosacea-like demodicosis responds to sulfur-containing creams and oral Ivermectin, which have antiparasitic properties that target the demodex mites.
In both of the conditions, the redness can be treated with lasers.
So if you suffer from a red face, don’t despair. Once we determine the cause, there are many easy treatment options available.
Love the doctors in the dermatology department at UVA. They are so patient, kind, and knowledgable. 🙂
People at college call me red faced Andy, because I am so red faced. Please could you tell me why I am so red faced, it would benefit my life in many ways if you could reveal a solution to this daunting problem. It gets me down sometimes, whenever I look in the mirror all I see is redness. My skin often feels like a charred pork loin. Please reply, love from Andy xx
help me
I have a red on my chick which I don’t use to have before .After I changed my home town this problem get arrived. Now I am in place where environment seems to be a bit cold than previous .this is the cause of difference in place or not please I need and…
I have had two small red areas on both sides of my nose in the corners that looks a little spread out. I have had it since elementary school and it has stayed (now in college) lotion and stuff does not help. It is always there no matter what. And I have been trying to get rid of it. Is it possibly rosacea?
My lips are white and my face is red
Sir i faced a red skin problem very long time. My face always looking red i have no any reason why its look like a red. I taken many treatment but nobody solve this problem. Everybody laugh on me for a red skin please help me.
My face is red all over when it is hot but l don’t feel really hot forehead and cheeks nose but not mouth or chin
I have suffered with the skin on my forehead and part of my face for some time and loads of creams with no success it’s not sore but can be dry and feel hot
Please could you advise any treatment
Thank you
For red face I’ve only been using dermalmd rosacea serum about a month or so and I can tell a difference already. The sides of my face and nose are extremely red and it has lessened. It is a very thick cream but is not greasy at all, a little goes a long way.
I had redness and peeling in my face for years after using dermalmd rosacea Serum skin has become normal and the skin tone even also the pores are close and no more peeling or redness. I strongly recommend dermalmd rosacea Serum
i hv red chic after putting the toner and moisture cream. Please advise.
I tried the Made from Earth Rosehip Serum for my rosacea on my cheeks and it works because my cheeks really flare up in the winter with central heating, cold, etc. It has definitely helped the flare ups and moisturises really well. I use on my cheeks morning and night under foundation. No rosacea product works for everyone but the Made from Earth Rosehip Serum worked for me and is reasonable in price
I have suffered from redness since I went into puberty. My cheeks, forehead,chin and nose. I am 44 and still have skin issues. My face is dry and red. The sun irritates and makes it worse as most soaps and cleansers, creams. I went to a dermatologist when I was about 20 and he told me to use baby shampoo on my face..that didn’t help. Willing to try anything that will give me a normal even skin tones face.
My face is all time red suggest me any medicine which reduce this redness
I have a very red forehead and cheeks is tea tree oil good for my condition?
I have been to 2 different dematologist and have tried numerous prescription creams that just irritated the redness on my left cheek. I have using dermalmd rosacea serum for a week now and it is AMAZING so far. If you have burning or heat related redness give this serum a try.
Sir my name is sonu singh for “INDIA” My problem is my face always looking like red…also people at college me red faced sonu…Because my faced is so red please could you tell me why i am so red faced it would my life in many if you could reveal solution to this douting my problem is get down sometimes whenever i look in the mirror all i see the redness….MY FACED ALWAYS LOOKING LIKE REDNESS…SIR WHICH MEDICINE I USED TO REDUSE MY RED FACED….PLEASE SIR TELL ME..
I am suffering from right side red pipmples on face and dull skin
Hallo sir, am lavaniya Schmidt
my face is red but not always only in the work and outside.
In the house is so normal.
Please advise me which cream I can use.
Have a nice day sir.
I have redness all the time, but when its warmer im getting more red, and my emotions cause redness to increase
( like emberrasment, laughter), it decrease my self-esteem, and my looks is not so good because of it..
When someone touch me unexpedectly it causes more redness, or some fast movement by my body (when im noding hed, turning back, when my head is pointed down then my face is burning, unpleasant feeling because i feel like my face is petrified , skin is more red..
Also closed area without fresh air cause more redness , and light is increasing redness, also spiced food, wine, hot coffe, hot meal…
I got this in age of 14 and it last 5 years, i tried everything but nothing didnt help..
I don’t drink and even when its cold I get super red. I get red at laughing to hard. when I flip upside down for even a few seconds, my face becomes flushed. and when I do one push up or run even a little I become so red, a FRIEND told me I was the color of a newborn baby. I also get red when I get embarrassed, but not for big things, like when I run, then get red, then get made fun of, then get even redder. I have tried to cry less and avoid awkward situations, but nothing helps. also, even when I hadn’t gone into the sun all summer I still became red at a moments notice, and even more so if I have. please tell me whats wrong with me.
My face looking redness that why’s I m every time upset nd I was drinking alcohol that time more redness so please u have any suggestion.. .. ..
I hate rosacea. I swear all i have to do is think about my face getting red and boom. My face is so red its almost a purple color. God why me? I cant even have a conversation or leave the house because of the fear of my face turning red.
Please help me I’m 49 and suffered with my red face for years,I also suffer with anxiety so when I’m in a difficult
Situation ie around to many people or put on the spot I blush and if people look I blush even more like a tomato.
Its controlling my life to the extent I miss functions and don’t go out ,I can’t take it anymore,I’m due to fly to India
in 5 weeks and the thought of being where loads of people will be at the airport is making me want to cancel…
Please help me I feel like my life is ruined.
Please get back to me a sap Thankyou.
Hi — We’re so sorry to hear this. Unfortunately, we can’t give medical advice online. If you haven’t already, you should talk to your doctor about this. If you don’t have a doctor and live in Central Virginia, we would be happy to see you — contact us at 434.243.3675 to make an appointment.
Hello. My name is Heather. I’ve been to a few Dermatologists who prescribed Metronidazole cream for my vascular Type 1 rosacea and just recently I started taking a beta blocker to help with flushing. I’ve also done the vbeam perfecta laser but after the last laser treatment, my face felt like it was burning so I’m on a beta blocker to help. My gynecologist recommended Barbara to help me. I have TriCare prime insurance and I’d like to schedule an appointment to see if your staff could help me either by laser or a certain medication
Heather, thanks for contacting us. We’re sorry for the inconvenience, but you will need to contact us at 434.243.3675 or complete our appointment request form to make your appointment.
Please help me. Disabled vet, my face is always red! While leaving a store, a guy asked me if I was sunburned and “what is wrong with your face.”
I am so red faced. Please could you tell me why I am so red faced, it would benefit my life in many ways if you could reveal a solution to this daunting problem. It gets me down sometimes, whenever I look in the mirror all I see is redness. My skin often feels like a charred pork loin. and when my stomach have problem then my face become red more .please help me
I was suffered from severe rashes on my face for 2 weeks. After applying foderma serum for 2 days, 70% of the rashes are gone.
Please help me I am so o tired of this it is very embarrassing it takes a big tole on my life I never want to leave my home and when I do the moment I walk into a bright place my face turns completely red than I’m always in a rush to leave .I don’t have much money so if anyone out there can help please reach out to me..Lord knows if I can afford it I would go to the doctor but I can’t afford it..thanks
After doctor recommendation, I have been using Dermalmd rosacea serum for a few years now. I have a very red complexion on my cheeks and this takes the redness away. I hate wearing makeup and this serum is the only thing I will put on my face. It doesn’t cover flaws, just redness. It also moisturizes and protects your face from the sun. I can’t live without this.
I have.always had extremely dry skin. I have to apply aquafore all over my skin when I take a shower or bath. I’m not able to wash my face with any cleanser except occasionally with cetephil and when I do it burns so bad and my face is extremely red. Lately my face stays red all the time. It’s so embarrassing when we go out that my face is so red. It ‘s like I’m embarrassed all the time. P!ease help me, what can I do to cover this up.
For Rosacea kind of skincare, I would suggest you try dermalmd rosacea serum, I have been going thru terrible red worse acne on my face I had tried one of the kind lotions and not anything regarded to work but I determined to give rosacea serum dermalmd try after seeing some of the images and reviews. Wow! I was amazed after the primary time. It reduced the swelling and the redness almost disappeared.
My face is red and very hot but my body is extremely cold its only happened twice in the last week I don’t know what it is from
I noticed that there are red spots on my face, and I’m thinking that maybe this is due to rosacea already. Well, it never occurred to me that alcoholic beverages such as red wine can trigger this. Thank you for also informing us that this could be treated with Azelaic acid gel.