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Prostate Health & Prostate Cancer Screening

frican-american men are at higher risk for prostate cancer
Prostate cancer risk increases if you’re African-American or a family member had it.

The American Cancer Society identifies prostate cancer as the second most common cancer among men, behind skin cancer. However, the ACS also notes that screening sometimes produces false positives, leading to harmful biopsies. Screening may also find cancer that’s growing so slowly it won’t cause any problems.

“There are a lot of men who die of other things who have prostate cancer in their gland, and it never bothered them,” explains Robert Dreicer, MD, deputy director of UVA Cancer Center.

Because of this, many men’s health and cancer experts recommend against screening all men for prostate cancer.

In this podcast, Dr. Dreicer explains:

  • Who should get screened
  • Recent prostate cancer studies and treatment recommendations
  • Genetic links
  • Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), also known as an enlarged prostate, another common health concern in men

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