Heart disease affects millions of Americans every year. In fact, it’s the leading cause of death for both men and women in the U.S., according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Heart problems can be scary. Even just wondering about it causes my anxiety to bloom. But it’s best to catch a heart condition early. That usually means it can be treated easily. And, it can prevent an emergency down the road.
There are a few types of heart tests to check your heart health. Your primary care provider can check your heart rate and blood pressure. But if you’re at a higher risk for heart disease or you’re having symptoms, a cardiologist can get a better sense of your heart health with these tests. They can help spot issues like:
- Blocked arteries or other blood flow problems caused by atherosclerosis
- Heart rhythm problems
- Valve issues or other problems with the way your heart formed (structural heart disease)
- Check to see if you’ve had a heart attack or if you might be prone to having one
- Find the root cause of fainting, dizziness, fainting, weakness, or other symptoms
Having a clear picture of your heart health can help you make the right decisions for your care. Here’s a simple guide to common heart tests.
How’s Your Wiring?
Electrocardiogram (ECG) Checks Your Heartbeat
Your heartbeat works because an electric circuit in your heart keeps the pace. An ECG (also called EKG) measures those electrical signals. It helps your doctor see if your heart is beating normally or if there is a problem with the circuit, which can cause an irregular heartbeat (called arrhythmia). An ECG may also be used if your doctor thinks you have a blockage or have had a heart attack.
Small patches, called electrodes, are put on your chest, arms, and legs. They record your heartbeat.
Heart Monitor: Watching Your Heart’s Rhythm Over Time
If you’re having uneven heartbeats, your doctor may ask you to wear a heart monitor. Heart monitors, like Holter monitors or mobile telemetry, are small devices that track your heart’s activity over several days. They help find problems that might not show up during a quick ECG.
Monitors measure your heart rhythm like an ECG. Recording your heart’s activity lets your doctor check how your heart behaves over time.
Getting You in Motion
Stress Test: How Your Heart Works During Exercise
A stress test shows how well your heart works when you’re active. During this test, you may do exercise like walking on a treadmill or may take medicine to make your heart beat faster.
Different measurements of your heart health, like heart rate, blood pressure, and ECG, are done during the stress test. Sometimes, pictures of your heart are taken during the test. This test can show how strong your heart is and if there’s a problem like a blockage.
Tilt Test: Understanding Dizziness or Fainting
A tilt test helps figure out why you might feel dizzy or faint. You lie down and are strapped to a special table. The table is tilted at different angles until you’re almost in an upright position. At different positions, your heart rate, rhythm, and blood pressure are checked.
This shows how your body reacts to changes in position.
Peeking Under the Hood
Too much stress can cause issues with your heart. Finding ways to reduce stress can improve heart health and prevent an emergency.
Echocardiogram: Taking Pictures With Sound
An echocardiogram uses a special tool to send sound waves through your body to make an image of your heart. Usually, the tool is used on the outside of your body. If your doctor needs a closer look, the tool can be put down your throat so it’s closer to your heart.
The sound waves bounce around inside you (also called “echo”). A computer uses those waves to make a moving picture that shows how your heart is beating and how blood moves through it.
This test can find problems with your heart’s valves or muscles.
X-Rays & Angiograms: Snapshot of Heart Health
A chest X-ray uses radiation to take a picture of your heart, lungs, and blood vessels. It can show signs of heart failure or other issues that might be causing symptoms.
An angiogram is a special type of X-ray. During an angiogram, a dye is put into your blood before the X-ray. This helps your blood vessels show up more clearly.
Using a coronary angiogram, your doctor can see the coronary arteries that bring blood to your heart muscle and check for blockages caused by atherosclerosis or other problems.
Questions About Your Heart Health?
Seeing a UVA Health heart doctor can help answer your questions. And if you need a heart test, our experts can help you understand why you might need it and what the results mean.
Advanced Imaging: Heart MRI & CT Scans
Cardiac MRI and CT scans are powerful tools for taking images of your heart.
A cardiac MRI uses magnets and radio waves to create clear pictures of your heart. With MRI, your doctor can find issues like valve problems or heart damage.
A CT scan uses a series of X-rays. Using CT scanning, a doctor can look for blockages in your arteries.
For both tests, you might get a special dye to make the pictures clearer. That makes it easier for your doctors to spot potential problems.
Taking Charge of Your Heart Health
Facing heart disease is challenging. Understanding the heart tests your doctor uses to care for you can help you feel like you have more control when making decisions about your health.
These tools give your doctor the information they need to best take care of you. If your doctor suggests a test, ask questions and learn how the test will help.
Remember, your heart health journey is a partnership between you and your healthcare team. Working together with your healthcare team and learning as much as you can about your health is the best way to keep your heart healthy and strong and prevent an emergency.