Megan manages UVA Health's social media accounts. She graduated from Virginia Tech and dabbled in newspapers before coming to work at UVA Health 11 years ago, where she decided to try a new microblogging site called Twitter. When Megan’s not on Facebook or Pinterest, she’s usually figure skating, running, or reading.
Posts by Megan Munkacsy
Be Social with Us
Do you like us? Since you’re reading this blog, I’m guessing you do, or at least, you’d like to like us. You’re a UVA employee or a patient or the relative of a patient. Or maybe you’re one of the 8 in 10 internet users who looks for health information…
A Dollar Makes a Difference
We’ve all seen them. Those cheerful red and yellow paper balloons that line the walls of some stores. When you’re paying at the grocery store or the drugstore, the cashier might ask if you’d like to buy one to help Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals. But did you know that in…
The People Behind Remote Area Medical: Betty Jenkins, RN
240 UVA employees, nursing and medical students are volunteering at the Remote Area Medical clinic in Wise, Va., this week. We’re talking to some of them and sharing their stories. Betty Jenkins is a registered nurse in the operating room at Culpeper Regional Hospital, UVA's partner hospital. What have you…
The People Behind Remote Area Medical: Ellen Shields, RN
240 UVA employees, nursing and medical students are volunteering at the Remote Area Medical clinic in Wise, Va., this week. We're talking to some of them and sharing their stories. Ellen Shields is a registered nurse at UVA. We caught up with her around 1 p.m. today. What is your…
Why I Go To Remote Area Medical
Megan Rowe is an administrative programs coordinator at UVA. This is her third year volunteering at RAM. [caption id="attachment_1068" align="alignright" width="298"] Megan (left) with the patient registration team at the 2010 RAM clinic[/caption] Once a year, I get lost for three days. I forget that I have a mortgage payment,…
The People Behind Remote Area Medical: Nosheen Reza, Medical Student
This weekend, 240 UVA employees, nursing and medical students are volunteering at the Remote Area Medical clinic in Wise, Va. We’ll be talking to some of them and sharing their stories with you. Last week, we met with Nosheen Reza, a fourth-year medical student, as she reviewed the clinical skills…
Three Days, 1,300 Patients: The Remote Area Medical Clinic
Early Friday morning, hundreds of people will line up in the parking lot of a fairground in southwest Virginia, anxious to see a doctor or dentist as soon as possible. Nearby, 240 UVA volunteers will wake up in dorm rooms hundreds of miles from home, eager to provide free medical…
The Emily Couric Clinical Cancer Center: 12 Things You Didn’t Know
You probably know that we named the new Emily Couric Clinical Cancer Center, which opened in April, after the late state senator Emily Couric. Maybe you saw a story about the Couric Center on the news or have seen the photos on our Facebook page. Maybe you know someone who…
Poisonous Snakes: Just Leave Them Alone
Poisonous snakes. Mention those words, and a lot of people freak out. When I told my co-workers I wanted to write about snakebites, one flinched and shrieked, “Ew, snakes!” Another refused to look at the copperhead photo in this post. But snakes aren’t as big a threat as we think…