Researchers are working on coronavirus vaccines and treatments. In the meantime, don’t believe everything you read on the internet. Let’s take a look at some of the rumors.
You care about your health and that of the ones you love. Stay up to date on healthy living ideas, tips, stories, news.
Researchers are working on coronavirus vaccines and treatments. In the meantime, don’t believe everything you read on the internet. Let’s take a look at some of the rumors.
During times of crisis, we all may have moments of feeling overwhelmed or wondering what we should do next. Fortunately, there are things that we can do to help ourselves manage our stress and anxiety during the coronavirus outbreak. Try these 5 tips.
We get lots of reminders during Heart Month about our lifestyle risk factors. But what do we do if it’s not our own habits we’re concerned about? Read these tips for talking to a loved one about their heart health.
We all know a friend, family member or colleague with heart problems. Yet, most people don’t think much about their actual, physical, beating heart. What do you know about common heart problems? We spoke with two UVA heart health providers for more insight into heart health.
Are sugar substitutes toxic for your gut? Recent research suggests that they may be. But is this the final word? We spoke with Amy Doran, MD, to learn more about sugar substitutes and gut toxicity.
Show all of the special people in your life you care this Valentine’s Day. It is Heart Month, after all. So why not plan a Valentine’s Day date night that will make their hearts happy and keep them healthy?
Don’t stress over fad diets, new exercise programs or what the scale says. Instead, make one simple change at a time to improve your health.
If you have high blood pressure and are in need of a decongestant, be sure to read the active ingredients on the labels.
If you’ve ever experienced a migraine, then you know it’s much more than just a headache. Learn more about the common and not-so-common treatments that may provide relief to your debilitating symptoms.
We’ve got a pretty good idea of what happens to our bodies when we eat too much sugar. But what about our brains? What are the effects of sugar on the brain?
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