More patients are eligible for organ transplantation than ever before. If you've been told you're not a candidate, it may be time to seek a second opinion at UVA.
General Health (Page 41)
You care about your health and that of the ones you love. Stay up to date on healthy living ideas, tips, stories, news.
If you experience sexual assault in Charlottesville or in the surrounding area, our emergency department provides medical care and evidence collection by a forensic nurse examiner. Find out about how we collect evidence and why it's so important to seek medical care immediately after sexual assault.
People living with cancer have a wide range of feelings about the gesture of voluntarily shaving your head for cancer support. Find out where your decision may fall.
If you repurpose some of items after cleaning your house as donations for cancer patients, you could help to ease their treatment journey.
If you have PCOS, talk to your provider at UVA Health about reducing your risk for endometrial cancer.
For many of us, period cramps are a mild annoyance every few weeks. But sometimes painful periods and heavy bleeding may make it almost impossible to go to work or school or enjoy other activities. Find out when you should see a doctor about your period.
You don't need to alter your vegan or vegetarian diet during chemotherapy, as long as you're increasing your protein and communicating with your dietitian.
Flu season means more of us are at an increased risk of acute myocardial infarction or heart attack, according to a recent study published in the New England Journal of Medicine.
It's tough dealing with a dual diagnosis, such as cancer and MS. At UVA Cancer Center, your medical team will tailor your treatment plan to your specific needs, including cancer treatment for MS patients.
Lately, the news seems full of never-ending mass casualty events. We never know when or where these events will happen, but that doesn’t mean we are helpless to prevent loss of life when they do. Learn the basic steps of bleeding control.
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