Von Willebrand disease (sometimes known as von Willebrand factor or von Willebrand syndrome) is a mild bleeding disorder that affects about 1% of the population in both males and females. Many people do not even know they have the disorder because the symptoms can be mild. In most cases, it’s more of a nuisance than a serious disease.
Kids (Page 24)
Keep up with your kid’s health: Find healthy snacks, injury prevention tips, sleep advice, family wellness, heart-warming stories of brave pediatric patients facing down disease. Get expert advice from our pediatric specialists.
It’s a topic that many are uncomfortable talking about: sexually transmitted diseases. Specifically, human papillomavirus, or HPV. But as awkward as it may be to discuss, it's a subject that has recently gained national media attention – and rightfully so. HPV is the most common sexually transmitted virus in the United…
Halloween. It’s one of the most exciting nights of the year for many children. But it’s also full of many hazards and scares that aren’t fun at all. UVA Children’s Hospital offers the following tips to help keep this Halloween a safe one. Choosing the Right Costume Plan costumes that…
It’s been in the news a lot recently. Whether online or in person, teen bullying has had parents, schools, and communities grappling with how best to address this. It often seems to end in tragic stories of suicide and even murder. It’s not an easy issue to tackle. According to…
[caption id="attachment_1972" align="alignright" width="300"] Lily with her painting[/caption] It’s the opening night of the exhibit, and Lily just sold her first painting. And she’s only 6. She’s proud, but a little confused – some stranger wants her dog? In the crowded gallery at the McGuffey Art Center, Lily’s mother tries…
Huffing, bagging, sniffing … all terms commonly used to describe the act of inhaling dangerous household products. The Blue Ridge Poison Center states over 1,000 household products including typewriter correction fluid, cooking spray, nail polish remover, spray paint and glue can all be used in this manner. While most parents…
Aching back and shoulders…weakened muscles…tingling arms…stooped posture. Does your child have these symptoms after wearing a heavy school backpack? Carrying too much weight in a pack or wearing it the wrong way can lead to pain and strain. You can take these steps to help your child load and wear…
Picture a yoga class — what do you see? Perhaps a group of women posing in a serene setting. Limbs outstretched. Breathing deeply. …Peaceful, right? Now imagine a yoga class full of kids, ages 5-13. The picture changes a wee bit. [caption id="attachment_1265" align="alignright" width="300"] Children participate in a yoga…
Breastfeeding Challenges When I had my first child, I had no idea that breastfeeding would take work. Like most babies born at or after their due date, my newborn daughter was equipped with the instincts and energy necessary to nurse. But first I had to cue those innate responses –…
About 32 percent of children and teens in the United States are obese or overweight — a number that’s tripled in the last 30 years, according to the government And all of this extra weight jeopardizes the long-term health of these children. “It’s not about what a child weighs,” says…
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