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Healthy Balance

Kids (Page 24)

Keep up with your kid’s health: Find healthy snacks, injury prevention tips, sleep advice, family wellness, heart-warming stories of brave pediatric patients facing down disease. Get expert advice from our pediatric specialists.

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Bike Safety: Bike Helmets and More video post
Kids, Prevention 5/15/2012

“Bike helmets are for wimps.” “This helmet makes me too hot.” “Oh good, my mom’s not looking. I can take off my helmet.” I heard these statements frequently when I was a kid. We all believed bike helmets were hot, stuffy and the ultimate in dork-dom. The notion that you…

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Common Bonds: Mended Little Hearts of Charlottesville Helps Families Affected by Congenital Heart Defects
Kids, Patient Stories 3/22/2012

Recreation therapist Laurie Sewell sits cross-legged on the floor of a UVA hospital conference room. She’s demonstrating infant massage techniques on a doll while 2-year-old Haley Poore watches her and plays with a colorful toddler toy. [caption id="attachment_3742" align="alignright" width="300"] Recreational therapist Laurie Sewell (right) and Mended Little Hearts volunteer…

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Get Your Kids to Eat Better: 16 Tips to Try, Day Two
Kids 2/3/2012

Today we’ll hear the rest of the tips from registered dietitian Angie Hasemann at the UVA Children's Fitness Clinic and find out how I fared putting a tip or two to the test. [caption id="attachment_2659" align="alignright" width="300"] Healthy food for kids doesn't have to be boring. These nachos form a…

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Get Your Kids to Eat Better: 16 Tips to Try, Day One

“If it were my kid, they’d eat whatever I served; I’m no short-order cook.” “When I was a child, I either ate my food or had it served cold at breakfast.” “Picky eaters weren’t allowed in my day.” [caption id="attachment_2662" align="alignright" width="276"] My kids would rather play with their food…

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Pertussis: More Than Just a Cough
Kids 12/22/2011

It’s that time of the year again — the holiday season, yes, but also the months-long winter slog where everyone seems to get sick. If you’ve had congestion and a cough, you may have dismissed it as a cold. But if your cough lasted for weeks and you can’t remember…

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Tummy Troubles: Irritable Bowel Syndrome Common in Kids
Kids 12/20/2011

How often do your kids get a stomachache? Most kids get the occasional diarrhea, constipation and, of course, the inevitable stomach flu. But if your kids have upset stomachs a few or more times a month, they may be among the 10 percent who have irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). While…

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“I Have Von-What Disease?” Von Willebrand Disease Explained
Kids 11/8/2011

Von Willebrand disease (sometimes known as von Willebrand factor or von Willebrand syndrome) is a mild bleeding disorder that affects about 1% of the population in both males and females. Many people do not even know they have the disorder because the symptoms can be mild. In most cases, it’s more of a nuisance than a serious disease.

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HPV and Boys: Should They Be Vaccinated?
Kids, Prevention 11/7/2011

It’s a topic that many are uncomfortable talking about: sexually transmitted diseases. Specifically, human papillomavirus, or HPV. But as awkward as it may be to discuss, it's a subject that has recently gained national media attention – and rightfully so. HPV is the most common sexually transmitted virus in the United…

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Halloween Safety: Tips for a Real Treat
Kids 10/25/2011

Halloween. It’s one of the most exciting nights of the year for many children. But it’s also full of many hazards and scares that aren’t fun at all. UVA Children’s Hospital offers the following tips to help keep this Halloween a safe one. Choosing the Right Costume Plan costumes that…

Sad teen looking at her phone
Teen Bullying: Taking It Seriously
Kids 10/20/2011

It’s been in the news a lot recently. Whether online or in person, teen bullying has had parents, schools, and communities grappling with how best to address this. It often seems to end in tragic stories of suicide and even murder. It’s not an easy issue to tackle. According to…

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