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Healthy Balance

Kids (Page 26)

Keep up with your kid’s health: Find healthy snacks, injury prevention tips, sleep advice, family wellness, heart-warming stories of brave pediatric patients facing down disease. Get expert advice from our pediatric specialists.

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Preparing for Childbirth: One Expectant Mother Shares Her Story
Kids 6/16/2011

Katie Norcross is a first-time expectant mom and a program coordinator at UVA. She recently took UVA’s Preparing for Birth and Baby class and shared her experience with us. Katie’s little girl is due July 8. [caption id="attachment_795" align="alignright" width="300"] Expectant mom Katie Norcross took UVA's Preparing for Birth and…

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Does Your Child Need a Sleep Study?
Kids 6/14/2011

Does your child snore loudly? Did you know loud snoring is most often the result of obstructive sleep apnea, a common sleep disorder for adults and children? Sleep apnea is a condition marked by snoring and gasping for breath during sleep. In children, it’s often caused by oversized tonsils or…

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Sickle Cell Anemia: Get the Facts
Kids 6/8/2011

Kristen Burns, social worker for UVA's Comprehensive Pediatric Sickle Cell Program, contributed this post. June 19 is World Sickle Cell Day. The National Institutes of Health reports that approximately 80,000 Americans have this disease, and one in 500 African-Americans are born with it. Every baby in Virginia is tested for…

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Caring for Our Patients: It’s the Little Things
Kids 6/2/2011

Sometimes it’s the little things that can mean so much: a warm smile, taking a few extra seconds, holding a door. They may seem small, but they can make a difference. Snow for One Pediatric Patient For one nurse, going the extra mile meant venturing outside last year to get…

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4 Steps to Sun Safety for Your Kids
Kids, Prevention 6/1/2011

"Sunscreen time!" "I don't want it!" Sound familiar? Getting kids, whether toddlers or teenagers, to stand still long enough for you to adequately cover them with sunscreen can be a daunting task. But it's a crucial one; children get most of their lifetime sun exposure before age 18. And since…

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Caring for Moms and Newborns
Kids 5/26/2011

At UVA, we’re providing mother-baby-centered care to our moms and our littlest patients. With this approach, one nurse provides care for both the mother and baby (instead of the traditional approach where one nurse cares for mom and another nurse cares for baby). Studies show there are benefits to this…

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