In addition to not being safe, weighted blankets and sleep sacks may not even be effective for babies.
Keep up with your kid’s health: Find healthy snacks, injury prevention tips, sleep advice, family wellness, heart-warming stories of brave pediatric patients facing down disease. Get expert advice from our pediatric specialists.
In addition to not being safe, weighted blankets and sleep sacks may not even be effective for babies.
While there are risks, there are also potential benefits for teenagers from using social media and smartphones. We talked to an expert about how to help your children build a positive relationship with technology.
Find out what Denyse Bailey's favorite thing about pediatrics is and what advice has helped her through the years.
Keith Bachmann a pediatric orthopedist shares how he deals with stress and the best advice he's ever heard.
William Teague, MD, a pediatric allergy and asthma specialist, shares details about what shaped his approach to patient care and more.
Someone who is a carrier for sickle cell disease has sickle cell trait. While not nearly as serious as SCD, sickle cell trait can cause health complications in rare circumstances.
Peter Dean helps children with heart conditions. Learn more about what shapes his approach to patient care and what advice he'd pass on to others.
With one tiny drop of blood, doctors can screen newborns for 35 genetic disorders. Here's why it's important and what you should know about the results.
A spine expert busts 3 common myths about what causes scoliosis in children. Plus, how to know if your child is at risk.
If you have a family history of heart disease then genetic testing can help you know your risk, find sensible prevention, and stay healthy.
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