Sheila Boling lost her twin sister to breast cancer. Now she works to prevent breast cancer's greater toll in black women. Read her 6 tips.
A cancer survivor. A heart attack victim. Pediatric patients. Be inspired by medical stories from ordinary people who’ve had extraordinary challenges. Hear about the health problems and transformations of our patients.
Sheila Boling lost her twin sister to breast cancer. Now she works to prevent breast cancer's greater toll in black women. Read her 6 tips.
When a heart attack stopped Tom Coyle's heart, CPR given by his wife and UVA Health's heart team putting in the smallest heart pump saved his life.
He started with stage 4 lung cancer and more than 30 brain lesions. Now he's back to his normal life.
Why choose UVA Health for living organ donation? See what a living donor and the family of a recipient said about transplant care at UVA Health.
Andrew Darby, MD, helped Greg Szafranski through his dangerous heart rate emergency. See why Greg and his family chose to switch to Darby for his long-term care.
Mary's herniated disc caused a lot of leg and back pain. She put off surgery for years, fearing complications. Ultimately, she decided to go for spinal fusion surgery. Read & watch her story.
Jerry Austin chose open aortic aneurysm repair when it was time for treatment. See why he chose this longer-lasting option at UVA Health.
Having breast cancer during pregnancy could have been tragic. Would Dana's providers be able to save both her & her infant?
Lorraine was told she had months to live because of aggressive thyroid cancer. But then she came to UVA Health for surgery and a cure.
Dave Kohstall knew he had the lungs of a smoker. He resisted getting screened for lung cancer. He finally got one and it saved his life.
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