Most Americans don't know alcohol increases the risk of cancer. Most also support adding a cancer-risk warning label to alcohol. Do you?
Most Americans don't know alcohol increases the risk of cancer. Most also support adding a cancer-risk warning label to alcohol. Do you?
Learn how being a National Cancer Institute comprehensive cancer center means we can bring you the latest life-saving treatments.
From dealing with treatments and side effects to learning how to cope with emotional highs and lows, support services help patients manage every aspect of living with cancer.
When Margarita Figueroa got her first mammogram, she was younger than the recommended age, with no family history. But her doctor, a breast cancer survivor, urged her to get tested early.
Chances are, someone close to you smokes. How can you encourage them to quit without nagging or sounding judgmental?
Dr. Rooney specializes in breast cancer screening. Before becoming a doctor, he was a U.S. Navy pilot.
Blood cancer doctor Firas El Chaer, MD, came to UVA in 2019. He treats blood disorders and blood cancer, including leukemia.
Bruce faced the pandemic with no immune system because of lymphoma treatment. He teaches us how to face a health crisis.
When the Mobile Mammography Coach visited her workplace, Robane Beroza was the first to sign up.
Everyone has breast tissue. So men & transgender men can get breast cancer. Find out the stats & what to do about it.
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