Getting a mammogram is not fun. It's a pain. Frankly, I avoided going for a long time. But I finally did. Not only did I have a great experience. I felt profound gratitude for being alive, whatever happened.
cancer (Page 9)
Smoking has been attributed to a variety of illnesses, including heart disease, stroke, and lung cancer. But smoking also may put you at increased risk for complications of coronavirus.
Urologic oncologist Kirsten L Greene, MD, helps patients with urologic cancer by focusing on minimally invasive and robotic surgery techniques.
As the Healthy Balance editor, I thought we published some particularly great research and health articles this year. Check out 20 of my favorites — my personal top stories of 2019.
Krista was diagnosed with a fast-growing breast cancer last year. She realized that, for better and for worse, breast cancer gets a ton of attention, and its portrayal doesn't always affect reality. Read her story.
When Marcia was diagnosed with melanoma in her pinky finger, her first doctor recommended amputation. Instead of accepting this, she got multiple opinions and found a surgery team at UVA who could save her finger.
Urologic oncologist Sumit Isharwal treats patients with bladder, prostate, kidney & testicular cancer. Watch his video & find out why he loves urologic surgery.
Most of us don't want to think about whether we'll get cancer, but it's an important discussion to have with your provider. Inherited gene mutations cause many breast, ovarian and endometrial cancers.
Genetic mutations can give some women a greater than 70% chance of developing breast cancer. Learn why some women, including Angelina Jolie choose to have a double mastectomy to reduce that chance.
Since HIV and cancer treatment may both weaken your immune system, how does that affect your plan? Here's what you need to know.
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