If even just thinking about snakes makes your heart race, learning the facts can help you co-exist peacefully with these reptiles.
If even just thinking about snakes makes your heart race, learning the facts can help you co-exist peacefully with these reptiles.
Like young children, animals don't know what's safe. Chocolate, onions, and medication can all cause pet poisoning.
Are poinsettias toxic? What about mistletoe or holly? Get the facts about poisonous holiday plants and safety tips from Blue Ridge Poison Center experts.
Can you get poison ivy rash from dead plants? Are some people immune to getting the rash? Get answers to these questions and more in our poison ivy myths vs. facts.
Spring's wet weather brings with it the growth of mold. How dangerous is it? What about "toxic mold"? Explore our FAQ about mold and mold exposure symptoms.
Essential oils contain many active chemicals, have strong fragrances, and are popular ingredients in soaps, massage oils and perfumes. Essential oils can be dangerous when used incorrectly. Read more about essential oil safety tips.
Reports of laundry pod ingestions, such as Tide Pods, have been in the news lately. The Blue Ridge Poison Center weighs in on this phenomenon.
The Blue Ridge Poison Center gets phone calls from people exposed to toxic art supplies. Learn how to do arts and crafts with your family this season safely.
Too much coffee: Can it kill you? Are your kids at risk for a caffeine overdose? Dr. Holstege explains why coffee isn't bad, how headlines don't tell the whole story, and why you should focus on how caffeine is hurting your sleep.
Learn from a UVA wilderness medicine expert about bees, what to do for bee stings and how to tell if you are allergic.
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