If you experience sexual assault in Charlottesville or in the surrounding area, our emergency department provides medical care and evidence collection by a forensic nurse examiner. Find out about how we collect evidence and why it's so important to seek medical care immediately after sexual assault.
With the proper care and treatment, HIV-positive people can have normal lifespans, healthy lives, romantic relationships, even children.
HIV is still an epidemic in the U.S. Most at risk: young gay black men. But with new prevention meds, home tests, HIV healthcare access, it can be stopped.
This month, researchers announced a new diagnostic test that can help physicians predict teenagers’ future risk of developing heart disease. Researchers also looked at the effects of weight-loss surgery, the heart’s reliance on blood sugar, how the Affordable Care Act benefited low-income HIV patients in Virginia and the number of…
Newly diagnosed HIV patients in rural Virginia tend to miss appointments with UVA’s Ryan White Clinic. Why is that a problem? Because the missed time gives the virus a chance to worsen and increases the risk of spreading the virus. To combat this, UVA is starting a program that includes…
It took Teshema Anderson a long time to feel comfortable telling people how her mother died. A well-dressed, professional-looking woman with a beaming smile, happy family and successful career who speaks openly and with conviction, it’s hard to believe she ever felt scared of anything. But when it came to…
HIV/AIDS doesn’t get as many headlines as it did in the early ‘80s, yet 33.4 million people around the world are living with it. With World AIDS Day on December 1 approaching, we asked Kathryn Dort, a nurse practitioner with the Ryan White Program, to answer some common questions about…
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