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Senior male tennis player drinking water while relaxing on court
Exercise and Overhydration: How Much Water Is Too Much?
News & Events 7/9/2015

For years, I’ve followed the you-can’t-drink-too-much-water adage, especially when exercising. I’m the person accidentally kicking my water bottle during pilates and heading straight for the water station after 5Ks. But new sports medicine guidelines indicate that actually, you can overhydrate while exercising, and the subsequent low salt levels in your…

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Brain-Immune System Link A Game-Changer for Autism, MS Research
News & Events 6/3/2015

“They’ll have to change the textbooks.” That’s what Kevin Lee, PhD, chairman of the UVA Department of Neuroscience, said when he first saw the research. [caption id="attachment_10256" align="alignright" width="400"] A traditional lymphatic system drawing (left) and updated to show the brain-immune system link (right)[/caption] He wasn’t wrong. An exciting new…

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Podcast Tuesday: Brain Tumor Treatment Research [AUDIO]
News & Events, Podcasts 5/26/2015

A brain tumor diagnosis can be devastating, especially when it’s glioblastoma, one of cancer’s deadliest forms. But researchers at UVA and around the U.S. are developing new brain cancer treatments with promising results. Get the details from neurologist Benjamin Purow, MD, in this week’s podcast. Diagnosed with a Brain Tumor?…

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Pioneering a World Without Cancer
News & Events 3/27/2015

Cancer touches all of us. Despite our greatest scientific achievements, far too many lives are cut short by this disease. But there is reason to hope. For the first time, we’re unlocking mysteries of how cancer develops, grows and spreads at the molecular and cellular levels — insights unknown even five years…

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“Werewolf Amoeba”: New Research on Deadly Parasites
General Health 4/11/2014

USA Today has dubbed Entamoeba histolytica the "werewolf amoeba." [caption id="attachment_8148" align="alignright" width="250"] Entamoeba histolytica parasites ingesting bites of intestinal cells in a mouse. Credit: Katherine Ralston and David Zemo[/caption] And Christopher Huston of the University of Vermont College of Medicine is calling the discovery a "technical tour de force." As published…

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Gene Points to Increased Risk of Stroke
News & Events 3/27/2014

New research from the School of Medicine suggests a gene variation may play a key role in risk of stroke. The gene discovery comes as part of an investigation into how the body converts the enzyme methionine into the amino acid homocysteine. While researchers have previously found evidence to link…

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Researchers Find Arthritis Drug Effective Against “Baghdad Boil”
News & Events 2/21/2014

The research world calls it cutaneous leishmaniasis, but it's become so common among U.S. troops serving in Iraq that they have dubbed it the “Baghdad Boil.” This unhealing skin sore is caused by sand fly bites that become infected with parasites. [caption id="attachment_7984" align="alignright" width="300"] Some of the UVA "Baghdad…

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Monthly Roundup: January 2014
News & Events 2/4/2014

The most popular blog post of the New Year? A UVA med student, while training on a supposedly healthy volunteer, discovered a real, life-threatening aneurysm — a finding that saved the man's life. [caption id="attachment_7762" align="alignright" width="300"] During training, medical student Ryan Jones (right) caught an AAA in Jim Malloy.[/caption]…

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