Ever wonder what your doctor or health provider does outside the exam room? Our 7 Quick Questions series gives you a personal glimpse into the people of UVA.
Joseph Park, MD, is an orthopedic surgeon specializing in foot and ankle disorders.
1. Why did you become a doctor?

It is a privilege to be entrusted to fix or improve problems that our patients have. It is this change in quality of life that makes my job most enjoyable each day.
2. Why did you choose your specialty?
I enjoy the variety of foot and ankle problems I care for, as well as the range of patients I care for — including collegiate athletes to 90-year-old patients who want to remain active.
3. What’s your favorite thing about Charlottesville?
It is a wonderful place to raise a family, with amazing restaurants, music scene and historic places to visit.
4. Where did you grow up?
Near Baltimore, Maryland.
5. What’s the most exciting thing/research happening in your field right now?
We are working with our engineering colleagues to gain a better understanding of foot and ankle injury mechanisms, total ankle replacement biomechanics and tendon to bone healing.
6. Who is your inspiration/hero?
My father, who at 73 is still a practicing orthopedic hand surgeon near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. It was his love of orthopedics that inspired me to go to medical school and become an orthopedic surgeon.
7. What’s your favorite thing about working at UVA?
I enjoy collaborating with my partners in the department, as well as other schools and departments across the University. I believe that without this intellectual exchange, practice-changing innovations cannot happen. I am also fortunate to care for many of our student athletes, faculty, and employees, and I learn something new from my patients each day.