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7 Quick Questions With Neurosurgeon Shayan Moosa

Get to know your doctor with 7 quick questions

A neurosurgeon at UVA Health, Shayan Moosa, MD, helps patients with conditions of the nervous system, including movement disorders, epilepsy, chronic pain, nerve injuries, and tumors.

Meet a Charlottesville-Based Neurosurgeon

We asked Moosa to answer our 7 quick questions.

1. What most inspired and shaped your approach to patient care?

Shayan Moosa, MD

I completed my neurosurgical training here at UVA Health. The neurosurgeons who trained me have had an enormous impact on how I approach patient care.

These surgeons treat their patients as if they are their own family members. They will do anything to help achieve the best outcome for their patients. This is a principle that I have modeled in my own practice.

2. What's your favorite part of your job?

I never get tired of seeing the profound impact that I can have on my patients’ lives. It brings me great joy to be able to combine my knowledge of the nervous system, surgical skills, and advanced technology to bring patients back to their normal neurological function.

3. What's your biggest fear when you're a patient?

Have Essential Tremor?

UVA Health pioneered a noninvasive treatment for essential tremor called focused ultrasound.

Uncertainty fuels fear. There can be a great deal of anxiety surrounding a new diagnosis for a patient. As a physician, I take great care in making sure that my patients truly understand their disease processes and what options are available to them.

4. What do you do for stress relief?

I'm an avid runner! I find it meditative to run outdoors after a long day at work.

5. Dogs or cats?

Definitely dogs. I have a very energetic Pomchi at home.

6. What's the last movie you saw? Thumbs up or down?

The last movie that I saw was Everything Everywhere All at Once, which was definitely a thumbs up. I love that it’s a thriller, comedy, and sci-fi all rolled into one movie, and how it explores the ramifications of small decisions on the courses of our lives.

7. What's the best advice you've ever heard?

Always stay true to yourself. We all experience many hardships in life, but if you act according to your ideals, then everything you do will be rewarding and meaningful.

Tags: neurosurgery

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