If you're not a fan of fish, there are plenty of ways to get omega-3s into your diet and enjoy its many health benefits.
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If you're not a fan of fish, there are plenty of ways to get omega-3s into your diet and enjoy its many health benefits.
As a cardiologist, Chad Hoyt, MD, specializes in caring for people with heart disease. Get to know him and his approach to care.
Rohit Malhotra, MD, is a UVA Health heart rhythm specialist and cardiac electrophysiologist. See the advice he takes to heart and the best part of his job.
Mary's herniated disc caused a lot of leg and back pain. She put off surgery for years, fearing complications. Ultimately, she decided to go for spinal fusion surgery. Read & watch her story.
You've been dealing with pain for a long time, but thinking about surgery is scary. Read a spine surgeon's guidance on when to consider surgery.
Learn how to tell whether your back pain will go away on its own or if you need treatment asap.
Your alarm may be spiking your morning blood pressure surge, raising your risk for a heart emergency. See the study from UVA Health's SON.
Research on Duchenne's muscular dystrophy being conducted at UVA Health Children's may help pave the way for new treatment options.
Jerry Austin chose open aortic aneurysm repair when it was time for treatment. See why he chose this longer-lasting option at UVA Health.
Hear from a lung cancer expert about immunotherapy, a treatment that can offer a lot hope when your cancer is advanced.
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