Alex Trebek's chances with stage 4 pancreatic cancer aren't good. But UVA has hope in the form of precision medicine & early detection. Todd Bauer, MD, explains.
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Alex Trebek's chances with stage 4 pancreatic cancer aren't good. But UVA has hope in the form of precision medicine & early detection. Todd Bauer, MD, explains.
Clinical trials for LGL leukemia research are exceptionally challenging to fill when there are only about 1,000 people each year receiving this diagnosis.
Sometimes, whether we plan to or not, we have to switch healthcare providers. Whatever the reason, there are a few important things to remember about how to change doctors. We spoke with Mohan Nadkarni, MD, who gave us some tips for a smooth transition.
Have you ever wondered what it meant when you heard something like, “so-and-so has stage 3 breast cancer?” The breast cancer part probably makes sense, but what does the stage mean? Learn about the different stages of cancer.
Now is the time to brush up on your heart smarts. Why? Because the more you know, the better your chances of preventing heart disease and living a healthier life.
Encouraging a healthy work environment helps employees reduce stress and increase productivity. Employees take control of their work life and apply these tips into their daily workday.
Watch a video to learn who should and who should not make aspirin therapy part of their daily routine.
Complementary and alternative medicine, including biofeedback therapy, acupuncture, massage and herbal medicines, are outside the standard practices of modern medical care.
Watch this video to figure out why UVA OB-GYN JoAnn Pinkerton says hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is the "gold standard" for severe menopause symptoms.
For adults diagnosed with cancer, a major concern is fertility preservation, being able to maintain your ability to have children in the future.
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