Thyroid symptoms like depression and fatigue often get overlooked. Two of our endocrine experts explain why women especially are at risk for unknowingly suffering from hypothyroid issues.
You care about your health and that of the ones you love. Stay up to date on healthy living ideas, tips, stories, news.
Thyroid symptoms like depression and fatigue often get overlooked. Two of our endocrine experts explain why women especially are at risk for unknowingly suffering from hypothyroid issues.
At-home genetic testing has made it easy to learn about our heritage and inherited health risks. Learn how it's similar to and different from clinical genetic testing as well as what you should know before having genetic testing done.
Central Virginia's been having drastic weather. Extreme cold and very dry air are causing sinus issues. Find out what else is going around our community.
About 42 percent of Americans experience heartburn at some point. What exactly is it? We spoke with Bryan Sauer, MD, about this common ailment.
Before most of us venture out into the cold, we protect our hands with gloves, cover our head with a hat and slip on a warm coat. But did you know that it’s also important to protect your heart when temperatures drop?
If you’re caring for someone with cancer, keeping yourself healthy is crucial in order to avoid complications for your loved one going through chemo treatments or radiation. These tips can reduce your chances of getting sick this winter.
Your chemo treatment is finally complete. You’ve made it through a really rigorous course of treatment, and now you’re starting to feel more like yourself again. That means your hair will start to come back, but hair regrowth after chemo can sometimes feel awkward even if you’re excited for it.…
Before you abandon the Pill or trade in your IUD, read this Q&A to get the whole story.
Before you abandon the Pill or trade in your IUD, learn more about the link between oral contraceptives and breast cancer.
Cold and flu season is here. Get tips on how to stay healthy this winter from Jenilee Lawrence, MD, of UVA Primary and Specialty Care Zion Crossroads.
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