As we spend more time inside, doctors are seeing more upper respiratory infections in kids. There have also been two cases of mumps at UVA.
Kids (Page 13)
Keep up with your kid’s health: Find healthy snacks, injury prevention tips, sleep advice, family wellness, heart-warming stories of brave pediatric patients facing down disease. Get expert advice from our pediatric specialists.
Teens turn to cutting and other forms of self-harm to ease stress. Teen self-harm requires parents to help their kids cope. Dyan Aretakis of the UVA Teen & Young Adult Health Center offers tips on how to get started.
The results from this international study are reassuring both for parents who exclusively breastfeed and those who struggle and supplement with formula.
Your kids are going to get way too much candy. Get tips for what to do with it and how you can keep them safe during trick-or-treating.
Too much coffee: Can it kill you? Are your kids at risk for a caffeine overdose? Dr. Holstege explains why coffee isn't bad, how headlines don't tell the whole story, and why you should focus on how caffeine is hurting your sleep.
Drug abuse on the rise: Teens are using ADHD meds as study drugs to help them pass exams. Find out steps you can take to protect your teen from this trend.
How much of your brain do you need to live? Why do bug bites get puffy? A UVA pediatrician answers these and other pressing questions from an eight-year-old.
Dry drowning became a hot topic this summer. Learn about the symptoms and get advice from Chris Holstege, MD, Professor of Emergency Medicine and Pediatrics.
For any child with ADHD, there’s a 30 to 40 percent chance that one or both of the child’s parents also has ADHD. And in many cases, the parent’s ADHD has gone undiagnosed into adulthood.
Choosing a daycare or preschool for your child depends on a lot of factors, but some basic health and safety questions should apply to any care provider, regardless of size.
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