In addition to not being safe, weighted blankets and sleep sacks may not even be effective for babies.
With one tiny drop of blood, doctors can screen newborns for 35 genetic disorders. Here's why it's important and what you should know about the results.
Preemies don't develop at the same pace as full-term babies, and some milestone warnings are easy to miss. A new study at UVA Health Children's aims to change that.
For the first time, a baby sleeping device gets FDA approval. What's the Snoo FDA approval mean? And is this high-priced smart crib worth the hype?
New infant screenings in Virginia caught newborn Logan's genetic disorder. For the first time, UVA Children's experts could use gene therapy to help a child avoid severe symptoms.
Feeling desperate? An expert weighs in on what's safe to try and what's not when baby won't go to sleep.
Use our advice from UVA Health infant feeding experts to make it through the infant formula shortage, including what to do if you run out completely.
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