Some nitrates may have cancer-causing properties — but does that mean you should be avoiding them altogether?
cancer (Page 14)
Autoimmune disease can increase your risk of getting cancer. With autoimmune disorders and cancer, you'll need a specialized treatment plan.
If you have a blood cancer like leukemia, lymphoma or multiple myeloma, the time may come when your doctor recommends a stem cell transplant.
People living with cancer have a wide range of feelings about the gesture of voluntarily shaving your head for cancer support. Find out where your decision may fall.
If you repurpose some of items after cleaning your house as donations for cancer patients, you could help to ease their treatment journey.
If you have PCOS, talk to your provider at UVA Health about reducing your risk for endometrial cancer.
You don't need to alter your vegan or vegetarian diet during chemotherapy, as long as you're increasing your protein and communicating with your dietitian.
It's tough dealing with a dual diagnosis, such as cancer and MS. At UVA Cancer Center, your medical team will tailor your treatment plan to your specific needs, including cancer treatment for MS patients.
March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month, and we need to be talking about this condition. It's the third leading cause of cancer-related deaths in the U.S., according to the American Cancer Society.
Your high standards could be harming your health. The spring 2018 issue of Vim & Vigor, our family health magazine, takes a closer look at this problem.
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