Smoking & vaping may increase your risk of catching COVID-19 because they involve touching your fingers to your lips.
Smoking has been attributed to a variety of illnesses, including heart disease, stroke, and lung cancer. But smoking also may put you at increased risk for complications of coronavirus.
Need a reason to quit smoking? Smoking is the leading cause of preventable death. Here are seven health benefits you'll enjoy.
Popcorn lung: It sounds delicious, but it's actually an incurable lung disease. Find out why you should watch what you eat, breathe, and vape, too. Two lung doctors tell the story - and explain the risks.
Most people try to quit smoking cigarettes four or five times before it sticks. So if you or your loved one can't figure out how to quit smoking for good, you're not alone.
If you're ready to stamp out your smoking habit, learn about the best ways to quit smoking.
Quitting smoking can be really tough. The upcoming Great American Smokeout on November 17 is an opportunity to make a plan.
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