This year, Virginia is requiring all rising 7th graders to get both doses of the HPV vaccine. But many parents have concerns.
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Parents, by and large, make decisions based on what they believe is best for their child. But it can be hard to sift through vaccine myths and facts with so much misinformation floating around.
If you've had chickenpox, you can develop shingles. Fortunately, there's a vaccine that can prevent it. Antivirals can effectively treat shingles if you seek treatment within 48 hours of the rash appearing.
As we spend more time inside, doctors are seeing more upper respiratory infections in kids. There have also been two cases of mumps at UVA.
Flu season runs from October to May. The flu shot is the best way to avoid getting the flu. Get vaccinated at your local pharmacy, UVA pharmacies, your doctor's office or your local department of health.
Did you know that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends a travelers' clinic visit anytime you travel internationally?
Carol Chisholm was diagnosed with rectal cancer eight years ago and had surgery at UVA. She's adjusted to life with a colostomy and now volunteers her time counseling others in this situation.
By their preteen and teen years, girls and boys grow out of a lot of things—baby dolls and toy trains are likely stored away. But one thing they don’t outgrow is vaccinations. Learn about the vaccines that are recommended for preteens and teens.
January is Cervical Cancer Awareness Month. In 2012, 13,000 women in the U.S. were diagnosed and 7,000 died, according to the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC). These rates have dropped sharply in the past 40 years, thanks to pap tests that help healthcare providers catch and treat precancerous…
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