Yesterday, we told you to stand up at work. Today, we’re telling you to sit down.

Stress is a major cause of heart attacks. One effective way to deal with stress is to meditate. Meditation comes in many forms, like mindfulness-based stress reduction as taught at the UVA Mindfulness Center and the Insight Meditation Community of Charlottesville.
There’s an app for that!
No kidding.
I don’t regularly meditate, but I do have 2 apps on my iPhone that I’ve used in the past to help me rest or relax. They’re simply called “Sleep” & “Relax”. It’s guided meditation that can be set to various lengths and includes the ability to set a wake up in case you doze off & don’t want to. I believe they’re free.
My partner downloaded some 5-20 minute meditation music arrangements. They motivate me, make it easy to finish my time goal and help me block out environmental temptations to stop or become stressed.