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7 Quick Questions With Colorectal Surgeon Michael Watson

get to know UVA Health providers in 7 quick questions

As a colorectal surgeon, Michael Watson, MD, helps patients with a range of conditions. These include hemorrhoids and anal fissures, warts, and abscesses. He also treats ongoing illnesses like diverticulitis, Crohn's disease, and irritable bowel syndrome.

Get to Know a UVA Health Colorectal Surgeon

We asked Watson our 7 quick questions.

1. What has most inspired and shaped your approach to patient care?

Seeing the impact that I've had on patients through the years. Like having a patient who is unwell, treating them, and then seeing get back to their normal life.

2. What's your favorite part of your job?

Being in the operating room. That's when I can have the biggest positive impact on my patients.

3. What's your biggest fear when you're a patient?

I worry whether something I'm thinking is minor could actually be something more serious. Also, the unknown. For example, if I change medications, will it work? What if my condition gets worse?

4. What do you do for stress relief?

Projects around the house, woodworking, exercise, and spending time with my wife and family.

5. Dogs or cats?

Need Colorectal Surgery Care?

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Both! I have 3 cats and a dog.

6. Last movie you saw? Thumbs up or down?

Interstellar — definitely thumbs up!

7. Best advice you've ever heard?

Life is messy. It's always going to be busy. It's always going to be hard. If you wait around to try and plan your life around your professional goals, then you're never going to achieve the things that you want.

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