Learn everything from which movie he gives a thumbs up to his biggest fear as a patient.
Colon and rectal cancer (colorectal cancer) is a leading cause of death in the U.S. But it doesn’t have to be. We have colorectal cancer screening options that are easy and lifesaving. They can prevent and find cancer in the colon or rectum. And if screening or symptoms lead to a diagnosis, you’ll have some of the nation’s best colon cancer surgeons on your side at UVA Health.
We all need to start colorectal cancer screening no later than 45. Some of us need to start screening even younger, if you’re at high risk for colorectal cancer. And it’s important not to ignore symptoms of colorectal cancer on the rise at alarming rates among young people like Jenny Folz.
March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month. Take care of your colon health by asking your healthcare provider about doing an at-home stool test or whether a screening colonoscopy is right for you. Learn more about colon cancer and how to prevent it: all covered in this colon cancer archive.
Learn everything from which movie he gives a thumbs up to his biggest fear as a patient.
At-home stool tests are amazing but colonoscopy is also a tried and true colon cancer screening test. Know your options.
Get to know colorectal surgeon Sook Hoang, MD, in 7 quick questions.
Learn from my mistakes to make your at-home colon cancer test easy and stress-free.
Scott Heysell knows colon cancer is on the rise in young people. He didn't expect it to hit him at the peak of his career. The doctor shares his journey.
No one thing explains rising colon cancer rates among young people. But fascinating colon and rectal cancer research at UVA Health sheds light on why.
How do hot dogs cause cancer? Find out why processed food is risky and what you should eat instead.
A week after learning she was pregnant, Jenny Foltz learned she had advanced cancer. See how UVA Health helped her beat cancer during pregnancy.
Colonoscopy prep is unpleasant but necessary. Hear how others managed it; get tips for making the drink better.
Colonoscopy is the only colon cancer screening that can also prevent cancer. Watch real people share their experiences so you know what to expect.
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