Brandy completed her undergraduate degree in journalism at University of Florida. Brandy worked in print, television, and digital communications before completing her MA in interactive media at Elon University. She enjoys traveling, cooking, and spending time with family.
Posts by Brandy Sweeney
New Workout Plan? See the Science Behind Exercise [VIDEO]
With swimsuit season approaching, many people are looking to improve their overall physical fitness by starting a new workout plan, joining a group exercise class or even hiring a personal trainer. And while the idea of wearing a swimsuit can quickly inspire us to exercise, we don’t often stop to…
Heart-Smart Shopping: Meat That Makes the Cut (VIDEO)
Today we visit the meat section of the supermarket in our Heart-Smart Shopping Video Series. Think red meat can't be part of healthy diet for your heart? Think again. In this final installment of our heart-smart shopping series, we visit the meat and poultry section of the supermarket with nutritionist Teller Stalfort, a registered…
Heart-Smart Shopping: Wise Dairy Decisions (VIDEO)
Today we visit the dairy section of the supermarket in our Heart-Smart Shopping Video Series. Can milk, cheese and yogurt be part of a heart-healthy diet? In this video, Teller Stalfort, registered dietitian with UVA's Heart and Vascular Center, explains how they can. Remember, UVA nutritionists can help any Heart…
Heart-Smart Shopping: Fish Counter Facts (VIDEO)
Today we visit the fish section of the supermarket in our Heart-Smart Shopping Video Series. We’ve all heard that fish is good for our hearts, but why? In this video, Teller Stalfort, registered dietitian with UVA's Heart and Vascular Center, tours the fish department, teaching us: What types of fish to choose The unique…
Heart-Smart Shopping: Picking Out Produce (VIDEO)
Today we visit the produce section of the supermarket in our Heart-Smart Shopping Video Series. Teller Stalfort, registered dietitian with UVA's Heart and Vascular Center, shares the importance of fruits and vegetables in your diet and a few tips to get you eating more of them. In this video, you’ll learn which foods can…
Heart-Smart Shopping: Nuts, Grains, Beans and Seeds, Oh My! (VIDEO)
Today we visit the grains section of the supermarket in our Heart-Smart Shopping Video Series. This time, Teller Stalfort, registered dietitian with UVA's Heart and Vascular Center, shows us what to look for in grains and lentils when shopping for heart health. In this video, she explains whole grains, the nutritional difference between white…
Heart-Smart Shopping Video Series: Grocery Basics
Ever wish you could take a nutritionist to the grocery store with you? Now you can. In celebration of Heart Month, Teller Stalfort, registered dietitian with the UVA Heart and Vascular Center, took us on a guided tour of a Charlottesville supermarket. We recorded her tips and insights on how to shop…
What’s Your Sleep IQ? Take This ‘Pop’ Quiz to Win a Massage!
Sleep. We all do it — but how much do we truly know about it? Like other things that we tend to learn about through family, community and popular culture, we may have ideas that are correct according to conventional wisdom but aren’t quite scientifically accurate. Take this pop-culture-inspired quiz to…
Introducing Some of Our New Doctors
We wanted to introduce you to a few new UVA doctors here on the blog. Juliana Bueno, MD Juliana Bueno, MD joins UVA to specialize in chest imaging, including imaging of congenital heart disease and lung disease. She is also interested in developing educational resources for radiology residents and medical…
Why Does Our Blog Look Different?
We’re making some changes to the blog this month to improve navigation, encourage your participation and expand content. We’ve already made changes to the sidebar, and new pages and menu links are on the way, with completion scheduled for Nov. 1. The biggest additions to our blog will be a…