Most of us associate Jillian Michaels with her “The Biggest Loser” tough-trainer persona. [caption id="attachment_10450" align="alignright" width="350"] After a car accident, Patty Grimm (left) learned to walk again with the help of UVA Culpeper Hospital physical therapist Jennifer Norrod.[/caption] But she’s struggled with her weight, body image and self-esteem. Check…
Megan Munkacsy (Page 18)
Posts by Megan Munkacsy
Maternity Monday wrapped up this July with information on what to expect after bringing your newborn home from the hospital. [caption id="attachment_10438" align="alignright" width="350"] We recently covered pregnancy and babies, from conception to infant care. Read the Maternity Monday series.[/caption] We also continued our podcasts: Learn the warning signs of…
Critical limb ischemia (CLI) is an obstruction of the arteries so severe it can greatly reduce blood flow to the arms and legs. This critical condition, which most often affects smokers and diabetics, can have dire consequences if left untreated, including skin ulcers, sores, and even amputation. In this week’s…
Muscle weakness. Trouble swallowing. A strange rash. Sometimes, parents take their kids from one doctor to another, trying to find the cause of these symptoms. It might be dermatomyositis, an autoimmune disease where the immune system attacks the blood vessels under the skin and muscles. There’s no cure for it,…
About 10 percent of people with multiple sclerosis (MS) have symptoms before age 18. Those initial symptoms include: Sudden blurred vision, caused by a nerve inflammation known as optic neuritis Double vision, or seeing two of an object Increasing arm and leg weakness, numbness or tingling Balance difficulties Bowel and…
Six months ago, our mostly-female blog team began chatting about pregnancy and childbirth. For those of us who haven’t had kids, it seemed complicated and overwhelming, surprisingly so for something we’ve been doing since the beginning of time. The Maternity Monday series was born from our many questions: Should you…
For years, I’ve followed the you-can’t-drink-too-much-water adage, especially when exercising. I’m the person accidentally kicking my water bottle during pilates and heading straight for the water station after 5Ks. But new sports medicine guidelines indicate that actually, you can overhydrate while exercising, and the subsequent low salt levels in your…
They’re often called “mini-strokes,” but they’re not necessarily mini. A transient ischemic attack (TIA) is a serious warning sign that you could have a stroke in the next two days. Symptoms come on very suddenly and include: Weakness Numbness Clumsiness Loss of vision in one eye If you or someone…
You’re home from the hospital with your newborn and finally settling into a routine. But you have questions, lots of questions that never popped into your head until this tiny person was in your arms. [caption id="attachment_9620" align="alignright" width="350"] Join us as we journey through preconception, pregnancy, childbirth and beyond…
Chances are, if you don’t have a runny nose right now, you’ve had one recently. But it can be tough to tell whether you have a cold or seasonal allergies. Do you have allergies? Find an allergy clinic near you. In this week’s podcast, Monica Lawrence, MD, who specializes in…
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