Sheila Boling lost her twin sister to breast cancer. Now she works to prevent breast cancer's greater toll in black women. Read her 6 tips.
Watch brave patients tell their stories of health problems; meet the doctors who saved their lives. Learn about new surgeries, treatments, medical innovations taking place at UVA Health.
Sheila Boling lost her twin sister to breast cancer. Now she works to prevent breast cancer's greater toll in black women. Read her 6 tips.
Jerry Austin chose open aortic aneurysm repair when it was time for treatment. See why he chose this longer-lasting option at UVA Health.
Dave Kohstall knew he had the lungs of a smoker. He resisted getting screened for lung cancer. He finally got one and it saved his life.
The environment impacts all of our health. But it doesn't impact us all in the same way.
Learning he needed a double lung transplant came as a shock to Kevin Beale, a lifelong athlete. Follow his remarkable journey.
A week after learning she was pregnant, Jenny Foltz learned she had advanced cancer. See how UVA Health helped her beat cancer during pregnancy.
Chemo and other drugs couldn't knock out Bob Falter's lymphoma, a clinical trial at UVA Health saved his life. Watch his story.
8-year-old Colin's leukemia returned a year after he finished chemo. Learn how this therapy helped him regain his childhood.
Colonoscopy prep is unpleasant but necessary. Hear how others managed it; get tips for making the drink better.
Colonoscopy is the only colon cancer screening that can also prevent cancer. Watch real people share their experiences so you know what to expect.
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