When Margarita Figueroa got her first mammogram, she was younger than the recommended age, with no family history. But her doctor, a breast cancer survivor, urged her to get tested early.
Watch brave patients tell their stories of health problems; meet the doctors who saved their lives. Learn about new surgeries, treatments, medical innovations taking place at UVA Health.
When Margarita Figueroa got her first mammogram, she was younger than the recommended age, with no family history. But her doctor, a breast cancer survivor, urged her to get tested early.
Blood cancer doctor Firas El Chaer, MD, came to UVA in 2019. He treats blood disorders and blood cancer, including leukemia.
Dr. Zaraket is passionate about helping patients get at-home dialysis, so they can have more time for family and work.
Psychologist Joseph Tan, PhD, cares for patients at our local family medicine clinics.
Alec was a healthy 46-year-old with little family history of cancer. Then he felt a pain in his stomach.
Dr. Ortiz says the greatest thing about his job is when patients tell him the procedure significantly improved their life.
More than 37 million Americans have chronic kidney disease, according to the National Kidney Foundation. For nephrologist Daphne Knicely, MD, taking care of them is personal.
Carrie Rush was told her child would be born with a jaw abnormality that could obstruct breathing. UVA physicians had a plan. Then came a snowstorm.
Dr. Vaughan treats incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse, & other pelvic floor disorders. Learn more about her.
Sports cardiologist Michael Ayers, MD, cares mostly for recreational and professional athletes with heart conditions.
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