The latest UVA research, Jan 2017: Obamacare's impact on cancer screening, new treatment for dry eye, reducing pain and opioid use, and more.
The latest UVA research, Jan 2017: Obamacare's impact on cancer screening, new treatment for dry eye, reducing pain and opioid use, and more.
During cancer treatment, it’s common to feel like you need a break from medicine. Using essential oils for cancer side effects may help you feel better without more prescriptions.
Clinical trials are scientific studies that test the effectiveness of a treatment, device or drug. Although many are hesitant to consider participating, new treatments wouldn't become available to patients without the trial process.
I’ve always thought that I had fairly healthy, normal skin — some mild eczema, but nothing serious or obvious. But one winter day, I was in a natural foods store picking out shampoo, and a vendor who had a table nearby stopped me.
Listening is the first step to understanding a loved one's choice to refuse cancer treatment. If you have a loved one refusing cancer treatment, begin by talking and listening to the reasons why.
Breast cancer is the second most common cancer in American women, behind skin cancer. But a recent survey of Virginia women found that just one in eight were aware that breast density is a risk factor for cancer.
Every year, more people die from lung cancer than colon, breast and prostate cancers combined. While some cases stem from radon exposure or other hazards, most are a result of smoking.
Cancer patients and their caregivers deal with emotions they'd never felt before the cancer journey. Feelings fluctuate constantly, especially with the stages of disease. Be mindful of where you are emotionally so you can get the support you need.
It can be stressful and devastating to fret about chemo not working, but your treatment plan can change to adapt to your needs as a patient.
Pam Barile suffered a massive stroke due to a brain aneurysm. The outlook didn't look good but with the support of her family, friends and medical team at UVA, Pam was able to beat the odds and make an inspiring recovery.
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