Considering a vasectomy, a form of male birth control? A UVA Health urologist debunks common myths and shares the vasectomy facts.
Christine Ibilibor, MD, specializes in robotic surgery for kidney, bladder, and genital cancers.
Find out why it hurts, the signs of a UTI, and what to do.
As a child, Kirsten Greene, MD, dressed in scrubs for Halloween. Today, she's the urology department chair and associate chief medical officer at UVA Health.
Dr. Ortiz says the greatest thing about his job is when patients tell him the procedure significantly improved their life.
Learn about UVA urologist David Rapp, MD. Rapp treats women who may be suffering from pelvic organ prolapse among other conditions.
Many couples who want permanent birth control may wonder if they should pursue a vasectomy for the man or tubal ligation for the woman.
A CDC study found that 7.5 percent of sexually experienced men under age 45 have seen a fertility doctor. Of those men, 18 percent received an infertility diagnosis.
Tim Gable was out of shape. The active and healthy lifestyle of his youth had given way to a desk job and much more sedentary existence, in general. He moved less. He gained weight. Running even short distances took serious effort. Unlike so many of his peers, however, Gable decided…
The urology department began the Men’s Four Miler in 2004 when the physicians realized that the men they were treating for prostate cancer were, in fact, more likely to die from heart disease than their cancer.
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