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Summer Safety Roundup

Summer vacation is officially here and your kids are ready to make the most of their break from school. Ideally, your summer vacation will be full of barbecues, swimming pools and road trips. However, we know that sometimes reality hits, and it may not be all fun and games. We’ve written some posts on Healthy Balance that include great tips on summer safety. I’ve rounded them up for you to check out and ensure that you and your kids have the best, and safest, summer possible!

Weather Safety

Summer weather can be unpredictable. Making a family emergency plan can take away some of the unknown in those moments when severe weather hits. For more tips, check out Summer Severe Weather: 4 Things You Can Do To Prepare.

Holiday Safety

There’s more than just summer vacation to celebrate. With the Fourth of July just around the corner, fireworks will line the sky. If you’re the one lighting the fireworks, be sure to keep a hose or water source nearby, and keep the kids far away. This article has 8 more Fireworks Safety Tips for the Fourth.

Water Safety

Water plays a key role in summertime activities. Drowning doesn’t always look like drowning. Here are some facts and tips you didn’t expect about drowning.

Bike Safety

Whether your child is learning to ride or you’re a seasoned veteran on two wheels, wearing a helmet and having one that fits correctly is important to protect your head.

Preventing Broken Bones

Getting a broken bone may be a rite of passage for some kids, but this article gives advice on preventing and treating broken bones.


It’s vital to stay hydrated during the hot summer months, but is there such a thing as too much water? Recent research looks into exercise and overhydration and gives insight into how much a person should drink during a work out.

Sun Safety

Choosing the right sunscreen for you and you kids is the necessary step in avoiding a painful and potentially dangerous sunburn. Here are the Steps to Sun Safety For Your Kids.


For all of you parents out there, summer break is only three months long. But just in case you need it, here is A Parent’s Summer Survival Guide.


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