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7 Quick Questions with Neurologist Derek Bauer, MD

Neurologist Derek Bauer, MD, treats epilepsy and tuberous sclerosis (TSC)
Neurologist Derek Bauer, MD

Derek Bauer, MD, is a neurologist treating patients with epilepsy and tuberous sclerosis (TSC). He completed two years of his fellowship at UVA with dedicated years to clinical neurophysiology and epilepsy training. Then Bauer officially joined the UVA neurology team in 2017.

Also, Bauer recently wrote a guest blog on Healthy Balance about his personal experience living with the rare disease that he treats, tuberous sclerosis.

Meet a UVA Neurologist

1. Why did you become a doctor?

I decided to become a doctor based upon my experiences with being diagnosed with tuberous sclerosis. This also allowed me to find a medical home to help manage my condition as an adult.

2. Why did you choose your specialty?

I chose adult neurology so that children with TSC and other conditions can have a knowledgeable provider when they grow up.

3. What is your favorite thing about Charlottesville?

I love the small-town feel with easy access to DC and the northeast corridor. Bodo’s doesn’t hurt either.

4. Where did you grow up?

I’m from Nashville and had been a life-long Tennessean until I moved to Charlotteville.

5. What’s the most exciting thing or research happening in your field right now?

In the way of TSC care, I’m most excited about the advances with mTOR inhibitors. These medications target the underlying pathophysiology of TSC. The medications stop and even shrink tumors associated with the disease. Even more interestingly, there is now evidence that shows this medication class may improve epilepsy in TSC patients, which in many cases, is quite severe.

6. Who is your inspiration?

I’m most inspired by the TSC moms and dads that frequently travel hundreds of miles to ensure their kids receive the best care. This disease isn’t an easy one on families, due in part to the multi-organ system involvement but also to neuropsychiatric manifestations, including autism, as well.

7. What’s your favorite thing about working at UVA?

My co-workers. I’m always amazed and consistently learning from their amazing work.

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