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Infographic: Virginia Organ Donation- Be a Hero, Donate Life

According to Donate Life America, 22 people die each day because they were unable to get the organ they needed. Even though 95 percent of Americans are in favor of donating, only 60 percent of Virginians have registered. Virginia organ donation can help save lives right in our own state.

Virginia organ donation myths and misunderstandings can prevent someone from signing up. So, you have questions about donating; we have answers. Be a hero, donate life.

infographic for Donate Life with Virginia organ donor facts


Ready to Save a Life?

For more information and to become a donor, register today!

Be A Hero, Donate Life Infographic text:
Every week, roughly two people in the Commonwealth die waiting for an organ that never comes.

  • The Donor Dilemma
    • 2,400 residents are waiting for a life-saving transplant
    • Only 60 percent of Virginians registered to donate their organs
  • Myths Keep Many from Registering
    • Myth: I’m too old or unhealthy.
      • Fact: Anyone can be considered. Experts will review your history to see if you’re a candidate.
    • Myth: Doctors won’t wait until I’m really dead.
      • Fact: Before donation, a doctor must declare you brain dead.
    • Myth: Being a donor will affect my care.
      • Fact: By law, doctors saving your life aren’t the same as the transplant experts. Hospital staff don’t have access to the registry.
    • Myth: Rich and famous get transplant quicker.
      • Fact: Policies ensure all patients get fair and equal access. Wealth or status don’t affect your wait time
    • Did You Know?
      • Donors aren’t responsible for medical costs.
      • Every 10 minutes, someone new is added to the wait list.
      • Religious views largely support organ and tissue donation
    • Your Decision
      • One organ donor can save eight lives and help more than 75 people.
    • Your Gift
      • Living donor organs and tissue:
        • Kidney
        • Partial liver
        • Blood and bone marrow
        • Partial pancreas
        • Partial intestine
      • Deceased donor organs and tissue:
        • Cornea
        • Heart
        • Kidney
        • Liver
        • Lung
        • Bone
        • Intestine
        • Veins, tendons, and ligaments
        • Pancreas
      • Save a life! Register today at
      • Source:

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